Business Process Re-Engineering

Distribution Logistics
Supply Chain Management
Manufacturing Management
Supply Management
Business Process Re-Engineering
Training & Development

DLMD Consultancy Limited.

Business Process re-engineering

Business Process Re-engineering addresses the fundamental question:

“How can we improve our service to customers while improving our bottom line?”

  This really poses the questions:

  1. Do our current processes support the business by adding value to our internal and external customers?

  2. Do our current processes truly identify where our costs lie?


DLMD Consultants will assist in analysing processes and activities in a perspective that encompasses cost, information and commercial value. Since the analysis is designed to be both qualitative and quantitative, it will help us identify, with you, the opportunities to improve your business processes. DLMD Consultants will be with you every step of the way in the change process and add their expert subject knowledge. To ensure that the new process is designed, not only a timely and efficient manner but also that it is a good “business fit”, DLMD’s senior consultants add their best practice expertise to your business know-how.


By taking an integrated Operational and Accounting approach to processes and activities, Value (cost-effectiveness) and Quality (product/service performance) can be traced throughout the Supply Chain network


DLMD Consultants can assist in defining an 'Enterprise Business Process Strategy' for manufacturing, distribution and/or service centres networks. In order to penetrate new markets or to obtain economies of scale, companies have acquired or merged with other companies into large clusters.

But certain questions still remain:

bulletTo what extent do we optimise our network?
bulletHow much slack exists in our working capital because of:
bulletLack of enterprise visibility?
bulletMissing enterprise information?
bulletMissing enterprise-wide business process integration?

Working with your management we assess the order winners and order qualifiers and how enterprise business processes affect them.

By using workshops, DLMD Consultants, together with you, can design the optimal enterprise process organization:

bulletForecasting and planning?
bulletDecentralised Sales order processing?
bulletCentralised purchasing?

In this way, the scope and functionality of your future information system can also be defined.

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