Supply Management

Distribution Logistics
Supply Chain Management
Manufacturing Management
Supply Management
Business Process Re-Engineering
Training & Development

DLMD Consultancy Limited.

Supply Management
'Supply Management' is concerned with the inbound flow of materials.

First a purchasing organization has to be set up. This is not just buyers and expeditors to “place and chase” but skilled engineers technologists and marketing specialists who in tandem with purchasing professionals define the products and conditions of supply.

Next a supply network has to be designed. This will set out the number of suppliers required at the different levels of the operation (e.g. raw-materials though to stationary supplies). This will also define the type of relationship required (e.g. strategic partners, preferred suppliers down to “spot” trading). Policy also needs to be determined, i.e. global sourcing versus local purchasing, central versus de-centralised purchasing.

To monitor and evaluate suppliers, a supplier performance system has to be set up and maintained. This should measure such factors as prices, on-time delivery and quality.


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